Find the suitable Volvo Penta spare parts yourself

Using the data from your Volvo Penta engine, finding the right spare parts is a breeze. We explain below where you can find the data and how you use this data to get to the Volvo Penta part numbers.

If you need help, we are of course always willing to help you. We do need the data from your Volvo Penta inboard engine for this. Use the button below to reach the form where you can fill in the engine data:

How do I get the data of my Volvo Penta inboard engine?

All Volvo Penta engines have a metal plate with at least the engine type and serial number on it. In addition, many engines have a decal on the top with the same information. An example of what the metal plate and decal look like and where to find them is shown below:

PLEASE NOTE: Not all Volvo Penta identification plates (both the decal and the metal plate) look exactly the same as the figure above. What the identification plates look like depends on the version and the year of manufacture, but in general you can find the same information on them. You can see several examples on the Volvo Penta website:

The following steps will get you the right Volvo Penta spare parts

With the engine type and serial number you have the most important information about the engine at hand. This will allow you to access the correct spare parts by following the steps below:
1. Visit the following website:

2. Onder de lichtgrijze menubalk ziet u linksboven een geel/oranje kopje met ‘Applied filters’. Als u deze openklapt kunt u op twee manieren zoeken naar de juiste tekeningen:

Enter serial number
If you enter the serial number of your engine here, you will automatically be taken to the correct exploded views.

If you have not found the serial number of the engine, you can also search in another way:

Choose engine
This is a drop-down menu where you can choose from all types of Volvo Penta engines. Choose the type of engine you have.

3. All sections of the engine come out. Select the section of the engine for which you need spare parts by clicking on it.

4. You now see the exploded view of this component with all associated spare parts numbered. This numbering can be found in the table next to the exploded view. In this table you will find the original Volvo Penta part numbers, quantity required and description of the spare parts.

5. The correct Volvo Penta part numbers have now been found. You can copy the part numbers and then enter them in the search bar of our webshop. Unfortunately, we do not yet have all Volvo Penta spare parts on the website. If it does not come up via the search bar, you can always send an email to to inquire about the availability of the desired spare part.

6. If you do not succeed with the steps above, you can fill in the form below as completely as possible: